When you make your first Stained Glass Lampshade it is an achievement.

The only way to make these lamps is to use the best glass available as the finished article should not be compromised.

My first lampshade was the Tiffany design Poinsettia. It has 541 pieces of glass and is made in three sections.

As a first lampshade it was a challenge, but after finding the perfect antique base, it sits in pride of place in the lounge.

One of my latest creations is the Tiffany design Flowering Lotus, a shade which is made in four sections and has 1,660 pieces of glass making up the shade.

Also below is of the Tiffany design Waterlily which is made in one piece and has 435 pieces of glass.

Left: Tiffany Poinsettia.
Right: Tiffany Hanging Lotus

Below: Tiffany Waterlily

The picture below left depict a commission lampshade which has the most amazing pumpkin coloured glass, just perfect for a sunset.

The right is a Tiffany design Magnolia lampshade which has 694 pieces of glass and sits on an antique Pairpoint base.
Below is the smallest lamp so far, a Tiffany design Iris lamp which also sits on an antique Pairpoint base.

Left: Commission Lamp: Elephants.
Right: Magnolia lampshade 

Below: Small Tiffany Iris on Pairpoint base